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linkedin business headshot

For many professionals, one of the most visible places your headshot will be seen is in your linkedin profile. Though a little square, it can certainly pack a big punch when it comes to impressing your colleagues! This image is a great one for Linked In, for a few reasons. It has great eye contact, great lighting and contrast. The images is crisp, clean, and color balanced, and the subject has a friendly approachable smile. This image file is very versatile, because it looks great in the horizontal format, as it appears here, but will crop nicely into the square format that linkedin requires. Ready to update your linkedin business headshot? Give me call! Let's create an image that really works for you and your brand!

For anyone who works from home and doesn't want to have their photo taken there, think outside the box! This image was taken at the Newport Public Library (without disturbing anyone or hardly being noticed!).

Location: Newport, Rhode Island 02840.

All images and text ©2004-2025 Jessica McHale Photography.